Thursday, March 12, 2009


I recall a conversation between Rad and I that went something like this.
Did you ever get made fun of for your awesomely strange name?
Yeah, all the time. But I would just tell people my parents were hippies and I had two sisters named sunshine and waterfall.
Hmm, you sure showed them. So what's the story behind the name?
My full name is Jonathan Rad Clark. I was named after 2 family friends, Jonathan and Radavon Vusucivich, who are brothers, from Serbia-Montenegro. This may also be a good time to tell you that we have to name one of our sons after their father, Risto.
Alright then, but I'm picking the rest of the names.

A name is just a name after all, and it's the spirit inside that brings it to life. So whether it's Rad, Radley, Radavon, J. Rad, Radical, Radica (a hybrid of our names) or any of the other nicknames, to me, he's just sweety, sweet pea, honey and lover... no matter what.

Rad, little Rad, and Jon
I am posting a picture of one of my favorite green items every day this month to celebrate St. Patty's. I will also post a picture or "reflection" of the day every time I make a post using pictures I've taken to celebrate all the fun and interesting things I've seen and done over the years. Enjoy!

My favorite giant bowl I painted at my first trip to color me mine way back on one of our first dates

Reflection of the Day: Gorgeous pink flamingos at the zoo- the ones that are really pink eat more shrimp, its true!

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